Intrex at the FachPack

FACHPACK – European trade fair for packaging, technologies and processes. Exhibitors present their products and services covering the chain of packaging processes for industrial and consumer goods.


During the fair, together with our partner Intrex Deutschland, we presented the LSC-100 labeling system.

Main features:

·        Quick refitting

Self adjusting products storage, printer and control system.

·     Controlling system on each production stage

While feeding, printing and labelling blisters are under control via high resolution cameras to provide previously set order standards.

·        Entire construction is in accordance with up-to-date pharmaceutical and safety standards

The system is in accordance with EU Directive 2006/42/EC, EU-GMP, GAMP 5 and FDA requirements (np. 21 CFR Part 11)


Visitors could also see the Intrex labelling heads, which have always been popular with our customers.

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